Thursday, September 13, 2012

Faulkner Wisdom Competition

My Dear Friends,

We are most pleased to discover that Patricia entered us in a competition with the name Faulkner in the title: the  2012 Faulkner-Wisdom Competition   and that We have been placed as semi-finalists adding to my long list of accolades including such accomplishments as the eating of the sun (an accident), the illumination of the three worlds (no thanks necessary), and the receipt of praise from the Four Corners of Creation. I would continue but modesty prevents.

Yours as ever,
"I am but a simple Hindu monkey."

 Brought to you by The Asvan Brothers, Purveyors of Leaping Langur Green Lemon Pickle

Thursday, September 6, 2012

A reader recently accused me of being a figment of my amanuensis' imagination. (Some have even implied I do not exist!)  I would point out that you, dear reader, and everyone else for that matter, are "figments."  Being a god, I have the privilege, and  perhaps ontological duty, to exist in multiple forms in excess of those of the average human being. I do exist in the same way mangoes exist, flower, fruit, and seed, green and ripe, not to mention juice, paste, chutney, pickle and tart. Yes Virginia, there is a Hanuman.